Monday, April 21, 2008

I'll be on your side forever more. That's what friends are for.

Not many people have seen this picture, and it's been a long time for some since they last saw it, but it's obvious why I feel obligated to post it on the interweb for all to see. Best Family Picture Ever!! Special thanks to Kelli Salter (then Harris) for establishing the perfect fraternal mood and familial poses. This was taken late 2001, my mission in life now is to find some way to verbally express the joy I feel when looking at this picture, until then Dionne Warwick's words will be an adequate substitute.


VoNique said...

That reminds me of our "soccer team" photo = )

Rebecca said...

What, no LOVE pajamas!?

Kelli Salter said...

oh wow, seeing that picture again took my breath away...seriously best family portrait I've ever taken. my fav ice bryce's hand on nate's shoulder-classic

JasonDebbie said...

i love it! I miss all those boys, thats awesome you got to take a nice photo as boyfriends.:) Where is jared smith's blog? He looks like bono to me in that picture.:)

the mortensen's said...

yo yo! Sherstine here! So I was working out at the gym the other day and I saw Adams rerun on millionaire! sweet! we missed the first one. can I just say he was super funny and way classy. there were these 2 little old ladies that kept saying "what a handsome young man, and look at his cute wife." they were funny. can't wait to see you guys this summer!

Adam and Bri said...

I don't who these guys are... but they are SO gay!!!

Autumn and Barrett said...

The best part is that this picture doesn't even crack the top 50 gayest things we did while living together. I miss you guys. And we should all be thankful we found real live human women that would marry us.

The Laytons said...

You guys crack me up!! I love it. Whatever happened to Nate?

Hugh Family said...

It was so great seeing you guys at the pool.

The Barkers said...


Hey this is Joe your roommate from Tre-Dub. I stumbled onto you blog and couldn't believe it. Anyway, hope everything is going well for you.


AMIT said...

Its good rememberance pic.
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Jen Rutter said...

you seriously need to update your blog!

Polly and Nathan said...

Sheri and Adam, this is crucial, we need an update of your lives asap. We miss you guys and are wondering what the heck is going on and where you have been. Please for the sake of our friendship. WE NEED AN UPDATE PRONTO.Got it. Thanks. Love your dearest friends Nathan and Polly.

AMIT said...

Hey yeah thats right friends are for forever.

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